Wherever B.H. and I go, we walk – with two exceptions. The most notable was in LISBON, where I met my old adversary the hills. Don’t get me wrong, there most definitely was Lisbon walking, but it was of the downhill kind, otherwise the famously free and circuitous Tram No. 28 filled the gap.
The other exception was Saigon, where the heat was so draining on our walk from District 1 to Cholon, that I slipped out of character (I like to think), and hailed a taxi with a don’t mess with me attitude.
Luckily on the streets of Barcelona the weather was Goldilocks perfect – not too hot, nor too cold, and just right for walking. When I think of Barcelona I remember Gaudi and Gothic highlights for sure, but just as readily I remember the everyday sights from the Streets.
On arrival in Madrid after 6 days in Barcelona, B.H. discovered the memory card in our good camera (his) had failed and we were left with my “special” brand of point and shoot photographic memories. They were of random events and views that caught my eye and were quickly snapped, but were only ever meant to compliment our “proper shots“.
The afternoon we visited the interior of Sagrada Familia my camera battery had expired after a busy morning, so I thankfully accepted B.H.’s offer to use the good camera and took at least fifty photos.
Oops. Our subsequent discovery meant we then had No Sagrada Famila shots of soaring ethereal tree like pillars in the most stunning man made space imaginable. I thought the exterior was spectacular from afar and awful up close, but the interior was a masterpiece of Gaudi brilliance. The loss of those photos was and is a huge disappointment to us.
When I think of Barcelona, I think Bracafe, a chain of cafes/bars that we only found in the Catalunyian capital. While they were a chain, their coffee was full of flavour and smooth and the cafes themselves displayed individuality. Our local had a polished dark timber bar at the front where some locals took their shots standing, tables for two down the side of the bar culminating in a discreet room at back (clandestine liaisons come to mind) and an old world charm. Street side elderly ladies sat at tables, to catch-up on coffee and news after their morning walking of the dog.

We were told to request Cafe Cortado – a shot of espresso cut with a small amount of warm milk. Cortado comes from the word cortar – to cut. Our waitress brought the warm milk to the table as she was positive we would want more than just a cut of milk. Cafe Con Leche was a milkier version of Cafe Cortado and I am not sure which category mine fell into but it was always superb.

Early one morning we wandered down a different street on our way to Las Ramblas and came across a basketball game.

Spain’s style of decorating buildings is refreshingly different, and it is not just the famous Gaudi-esque ones that differ.

Barcelona is good at mixing it up. A lot of the Old and a little of the New. This photo was taken in Catalunya Place.

What I really liked was how the sombre, old world feel of the Gothic Quarter was counterbalanced by the bright spontaneous feel of Port Vell and Barceloneta, the closest beach area to the city.
Once an ugly duckling, Barceloneta was transformed for the 1992 Olympics, when the beach was topped up with golden sand (rumoured to be from the Sahara) and imported palm trees, with beach bars or “chiringuitos” adding charm to the mix. Some people consider the sprucing up of Barceloneta played a big part in the success of those Olympics.
When the sun shone, it was most definitely the place to be.

I did not have to search far to find character in the streets and the Barcelonés.

I hope you have enjoyed my impressions of Barcelona.
I think Barcelona is one of the most walkable cities I have had the pleasure to visit. And your photos – although not your good ones – are wonderful. I think we have walked many of the same streets and enjoyed similar sights. I missed that coffee chain though.
I think that when the weather is good Barcelona is at it’s best. Luckily for us it was good all the time we were there. On the odd occasion I have heard that someone did not like Barcelona, it was because the weather was bad. If the weather was bad in Barcelona, I think I would be spending lots of time in Bracafe!
I loved walking the streets of Barcelona too..it’s one of the best ways to see the city. It really is a fun city. You’re lucky you have these great shots to remember Barcelona by! Isn’t it awful when you lose your photos..looks as though both of us have to go back to take more!!
I remember you lost your photos. Turns out Vera from A Travelers Library lost hers as well. Very weird. At least we had my back up ones. You will have to get your hubby taking his own photos as a back-up!
What a great pictorial tour of Barcelona! I love all of the cool architecture.
I had to stop myself because every building was asking me to photograph it, and we would never get anywhere!
I agree – walking has to be the best way to see a city. Love your shots – looks like a very interesting city – automatic works fine for you!
Have a great week, and thanks for stopping by my blog today.
I am happy with the majority of my shots Jill. The area I really need to get out of manual in is when shooting from the shade into the light and the light is too bright and fuzzy – very annoying. And night shots with lights in them as well!
Very beautiful city, I love Barcelona too… Great photos.
I agree it is beautiful Muza-chan.
These are beautiful! I love those shots of the unique buildings you captured. We only made it to Madrid and Segovia during trip to Spain but I would love to visit Barcelona. Cafe Cortado sounds like a great way to jump start a day.
I think you could keep on revisiting Spain and wish I lived closer to Europe. I loved Madrid and the aquaduct at Segovia was stunning!
Some of those sites look familiar to me, to. I’ve been to Barca twice, really enjoyed it, but unfortunately the memory of nearly being robbed there still tops all other memories. C’est la vie. 🙂
Luckily we have no such bad memories to take the edge off. Commiserations Bob.
What is it about Spain? I dropped a camera in Madrid and therefore had very few decent pictures from that country when I got home (we were back in the film age and so we had a few from early in the trip)
I am entranced by these, particularly the girl in the newspaper dress and the composition and color of the two boys sitting in the curved wall of a garden. Great job.
I know another blogger who lost all her photos of Spain as well! Thanks for your encouraging words.
I too walk a lot when traveling! Its inexpensive and a great way to keep the weight off so I can enjoy all those great coffee drinks and food!
My thoughts exactly Debbie. Guilt free indulgence!
I quite enjoyed your photos – I’ve seen more photos of the Sagrada Familia than I can count so it’s nice to see photos of what the rest of the city is like. Barcelona seems like a beautiful city and one that I hope to visit soon!
I agree that street life photos are far more interesting, but for my own use I would love a photo of the soaring interior taken by myself. Oh well!
These are beautiful shots! I can’t wait to get back to Barcelona one day!
Me too!
You’ve brought back some wonderful memories with these fantastic photos. I want to go back!
Thanks Jackie. I think Barcelona is certainly a place I would like to revisit.
Bravo! Bravo! You captured the spirit of one of my favorite cities so well. It goes to show that even point and shoot camera shots can be soulful as long as capture the shot from within your soul.
Thanks Marisol, I love taking photographs both on my travels and at home.
Looking at your pictures brings back such wonderful memories of my own trip there. That senorita dressed in paper is quite interesting.
Glad to oblige. I have no idea what the senorita dressed in paper was about. I think possibly they were drama students.
Beautiful shots, Jan! I was in Barcelona when I was about 18, long before the 1992 Olympics. I so want to go back. I relate to your failed memory card. I lost a memory card when I was in Japan, and it contained most of my photos of China and many of Japan. I have no shots of myself on the Great Wall….I have to go back 🙂
At least we only lost Barcelona. That is a shame to lose all of China – I bet there were some interesting shots there too. You will definitely have to return.
Great photos. Do you walk in the everywhere in the winter in the cold climates too?
We don’t travel in Winter. I am used to fairly hot and humid weather, Saigon was extreme however. We usually travel in Spring. In Canada it was still cold even though it was Spring and we walked. I enjoy walking when the weather is cool.
I am pretty much the same. I have lots of stamina when walking on flat ground, but give me hills and you kill me. And yep, just like you I struggle to walk when it’s really hot, that’s why unfortunately I never manage to do much sightseeing in South East Asia during the day!. Barcelona looks beautiful. I should have visited when I was living i Europe but I chose Vienna and Berlin instead.
Glad to see I am not the only one Denise!
Barcelona is a great walking city — so much to capture the eye there. Your pics bring me back there. By the way, I think most of us can relate to that moment when we realize our camera battery is dead — always at an inconvenient time.
Love Barcelona, Cathy. Unfortunately not only did my battery die, but Marty’s memory card failed!
We were in Barcelona for 3 months and walked almost everyday. You got some beautiful shots. Sorry about the memory card but that just means you have to go back for those Sagrada Familia photos.
Wow, you must have a lot of photos of Barcelona. How come you were there for three months?
Wow, beautiful pictures of Barcelona. Funny to read about Bracafé, I used to go to those bars with my grandfather in the 80ies!
I am so glad you went to Bracafe we really liked them. How great that you got to go with your grandfather. Did he stand at the bar or take a seat? I am not surprised they were around in the 80’s as our local appeared quite old.
I LOVE Barcelona! One of my favorite cites in the world. The architecture is to die for, the people are wonderful and the food is glorious! This post reminded me of how much I loved it there and how much I want to go back again!
Barcelona is such an easy city to love, but I loved all of Spain. Granada was a place I really felt a connection with also.