While staying in the hills of Liguria we often caught the local bus down to the Big Smoke, on the coast, namely San Remo. Wandering the streets we noticed two amazing sites. Both were food orientated but from opposite ends of the spectrum, and both were super-sized.
We sat having coffee waiting for the shops to open again after “La Pausa” or as you may know it “Siesta”. How civilized the Italians are – a few hours off in the middle of the day – to go home, have a leisurely lunch and a nap.
As we sipped our coffees the shops began to come to life. People were loitering outside the shop next to us. Then the shutters opened and a huge cheese cabinet was rolled out onto the footpath and then one huge cheese was carried out on it’s own table. I do not know what sort of cheese it was, but it was certainly impressive.
We had some time to fill in until our bus departed so we walked the streets some more. This is when we spied our next super-sized contender. We had seen this all over the place, in Europe and in Canada and although we have it in Australia as well, we had never seen it quite so big!
As you can see, these jars contained 5 kg of Nutella. Have you every seen jars of Nutella so huge?
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That was quick! I’m not sure what type of cheese it is- it could be provolone. There are parmesan wheels behind it. What is it about Nutella! Not being a big fan, I don’t understand the European obsession about it- Sorry nutella fans!
Ha ha, Yes I see the parmesan wheels now – I didn’t notice them before. I can take or leave Nutella as well.
Lisa Wood
Gosh I love cheese – to visit a cheese shop would be my heaven on earth!! Gosh that is a lotta Nutella…our boys cant eat anything like that, but I love it!
I reckon that a siesta is such a smart thing to do..wonder why we don’t do that in Australia?
Hi Lisa, Do your boys have allergies? I think Nutella tastes nice, but I don’t eat it. I guess there are other things I like better! I am more of a savoury person, so the cheese is up my alley. I think we might need a degree in something or other to guess as to why Aussie’s didn’t take the Siesta on board. Of course the down side is you stay up much later at night, and also eat dinner much later as well!
Lisa Wood
Our boys don’t have allergies as such – more that they cant eat anything with added colours etc! Nutella sends them nuts…literally 🙂
Yep Siesta is needed – especially on our hot days!
Nomadic Samuel
Woah! A 5kg jar of Nutella – that’s almost too good to be true 😛
I could not believe my eyes. Surely it would have to be a hotel or cafe who would buy a jar this size? We actually bought a small cake/slice one day that I swear was stuck together with Nutella!